After discovering the true underlying condition of the vessel the process of restoration began.
Essential repair work was costly, but cutting corners in the rebuild process would have been a false economy.
No one with integrity would knowingly sell a yacht with a concealed fractured keel. Note: "Show More" button at page bottom.

Hull plates on port and starboard sides were replaced.

Keel being cut prior to Orion being lifted away. It would be unethical and unthinkable to knowingly sell a vessel with a damaged keel.

Orion being lifted from the forward keel section

Diesel tank being rebuilt, new bulkheads and removable inspection plate.

The damaged keel section was removed and transported to the Tekkocan workshop. Lead ballast had to be removed, cleaned and prepared for the new keel.

Tekkocan engineers made a wire frame template for the new keel construction.

Tekkocan engineers made a wire frame template for the new keel construction.

Original ballast was gradually added to the new keel.

Original ballast was gradually added to the new keel.

New gunwales integrated into bow area, and reinforcing beyond the original design.

New keel starboard quarter

New keel port fore-quarter

Port side with new steel plates (8 mm)

New lower rudder bearing being tested with new 60mm rudder stock.

Integral water tanks removed and new hull plating. Floor beams and supports for new PTFE water tanks in place.

Integral water tanks removed and new hull plating. Floor beams and supports for new PTFE water tanks in place.

Bow thruster tube being installed

Bow thruster deflector wire frame being designed.

Bow thruster deflector plate port side. A bow thruster was planned well before the litany of problems were discovered.

Rear keel showing anode bracket. Ready to accept new stern tube. Hull primed for protection prior to shot blasting and painting later in year.

Rear keel with new stern tube being test fitted.

Rear keel with new stern tube being test fitted.

Original cockpit teak showed signs of lifting. Steel beneath found to be corroded. Decision made to replace entire cockpit with new steel.

New cockpit steel primed with Owatrol CIP.

Port keel showing diesel tank access hatch being welded up (backing weld)

New steel blasted and primed with Owatrol CIP, prior to two coats of Hempadur epoxy.

Gunwale design modified. Stainless steel rod at top of original gunwales caused galvanic corrosion. L-shaped steel contoured and added to create extremely strong gunwales.

New gunwale design. Stainless steel rigging plate sitting next to gunwale to be welded on top of gunwale leaving decks totally flush.

Rigging deck loops replaced by stainless plates positioned on top of new gunwales. This leaves the decks completely flush and free of all obstruction. redesign approved by Dick Koopmans.

New stainless rigging plates mounted on top of the modified gunwale. This leaves the deck clear and flush. An opportunity for positive change while boat in rebuild. ...modification approved by D.Koopmans

Mooring cleats placed in gunwale 'pockets' ..leaving deck clear of all trip hazards. An opportunity for positive change while boat in rebuild.

Prepared and primed

Prepared and primed

Prepared and primed

Prepared and primed

Prepared and primed

New stern tube, dry fit for alignment

Dry fit for alignment

Dry fit for alignment. 9 mm clearance between prop shaft and ID of stern tube. Shaft aligned using 4.5 mm drill bits.